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Home > Products & Suppliers > International Trade Mart (District 1) - East> 3 F > Ornament> Yiwu Yafei Woolen Ball Products Factory
fur ball soft mesh encrypted mosquito net fabric mesh fabric performance clothing gauze fur ball 中文版
  • EXW Price: Min. order:
  • 10000 piece
  • Weight 0.33 kg/piece
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Yiwu Yafei Woolen Ball Products Factory 9yr.

Main Products:

Hair ball


Zhang YuqinChat




L103840 , Annex Street, 3 F, 东扩南门 Gate, International Trade Mart (District 1) - East.

  • Description

Product Name: Netting Soft Yarn Mosquito Net Ball Specifications: 1.5CM, 2CM, 2.5CM, 3CM, 3.5CM, 4CM, 4.5CM, 5CM Color: According to the color card, there are 51 colors.

Applicable scope: clothing, wedding headdress, veils and hair accessories, various DIY handcraft clothing and accessories, kindergarten DIY, toys, Christmas gifts, festival supplies, decorative crafts, hair accessories, shoes and hats, scarves, gloves, mobile phone decorations, key chains, stage costumes, brooches, stationery, floral art, perfume bottle decorations, wedding decorations, etc.

For example, the price of 2.5CM is 0.08 yuan per piece, weighing 0.33 grams per piece. The minimum order quantity is 5,000 pieces. Free shipping is available for orders over 50,000 pieces.

Dear, dear,Less than 5000 pieces at 0.1 yuan/piece

Weight and density can be customized according to customer requirements.

Ordering Instructions: Before placing an order, please communicate online to confirm the order. You can receive free samples with postage, and there is a sample fee for some of the sample products.

 Packing Instructions: In bulk.opponentBagPVCCylinder-shapedPVCCratePVCPouch-type.

 Contact us: Wang Wang: zhangbo041206041025 QQ84975114WeChat phone number:13600594106

Update time:2022-08-24 13:39:37

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