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PVC floor MATS for automobiles 4PCS 9036

PVC floor MATS for automobiles 4PCS 9036

PVC floor MATS for automobiles 4PCS 9036 PVC floor MATS for automobiles 4PCS 9036
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  • Updated: 2019-04-03 13:48
EXW Price: Price Negotiable
The price for this item is to be negotiated. Please contact supplier for further information.
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The main products are automobile fabrics,automotive plastic decorative parts,automobile clothing,automotive LED lighting,automotive products,automotive LED lighting
Contacts: 徐冬英Chat
Mobile: 86-
WeChat: 13362914084
Address: 69397 , 4 F, International Trade Mart (District 5).
Address: 义乌市稠江街道新科路E22号 双创街A区4幢

Product name: 9036 stitched bottom four-piece set foot pad

Packing quantity: 12/CTN Covered 4 times

Specification: 1.5kg for a single set of products   

               Size:Before the piece: 66 x 44 cm 

                       After the piece: 30 * 43 cm

Color: black

Packaging: paper card + hook

Volume: 0.06undefined


   Zhejiang province yiwu city ka biaodi automobile supplies factory 
Booth address: no.2 street 69397-3 street 69417, 4th floor, gate north link, no. 111, zone 5, yiwu international trade city, zhejiang province

Factory address: no. 496, chengdian road, yiwu city, zhejiang province
Contact person: xu dongying
Consulting telephone: 13362914084 0579-85593690
Consulting QQ: 2355423787 2355423806

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