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Anxuer Ornament 13yr.
Main Products:Specializing in the production of Korean edition set with diamonds,crystal hair ornaments,support small wholesale,taobao supply bulk batch can also be customized
E-mail: WeChat:13515893889
Address:L103004 , Annex Street, 3 F, 东扩南门 Gate, International Trade Mart (District 1) - East.
Address:Zone 1, Yiwu International Trade City, Shopping and Tourism Area, Yiwu International Trade City, Futian Street, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
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安雪儿饰品 主营各类高档镶钻头饰;发箍、发夹、皮筋发圈等产品;支持小额批发,混批,淘宝供货;全国招募代理加盟商。安雪儿饰品多次被评为省级重质量、守诚信示范单位,产品远销国内一二级城市;以及东南亚、欧洲、南美等数十个国家和地区。愿与国内外新老客户真诚合作、携手并进、共谋发展!欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈! 业务咨询直接联系手机/微信同号:15988524284 客服会第一时间和您取得联系.
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