★★ Our products of simulated flowers are sold at factory prices, with a very thin profit margin, just to earn trust! We refuse to negotiate prices with buyers for any reason.
★★ Color difference issue, we have tried our best to avoid color differences. Due to the reasons of the monitor and the special process, some styles may be transparent or reflective. Under different lighting conditions, the color may differ. If you cannot accept even the slightest color difference, please be cautious when purchasing, and do not give negative or low ratings for this reason. (This is very difficult to avoid in online shopping, so please do not buy if you are too picky, MM).
Please respect our labor and choose carefully before making a purchase. If there are no quality issues, please do not leave us a negative or middle-rated review just because you don't like it, there are color differences, or it does not meet your expectations. If you have any questions about the product, please contact our online customer service in the first instance, and we will respond to your questions in a timely manner.
★★ We cherish your positive feedback very much. If you encounter any problems with the product after receiving it, please contact us immediately and we will resolve the issue to your satisfaction. Please wait until the problem is resolved before leaving a review. Thank you very much.
Fee Explanation
【Express Delivery】For Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, the express delivery fee is 6 yuan for the first 1 kilogram, and the additional weight is calculated at 1 yuan per kilogram.
The cost for cities other than provincial capitals in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai (excluding the following provinces) is 12 yuan for the first kilogram, and the weight for the additional part is 8 yuan per kilogram.
Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang, the cost is 15 yuan for the first weight of one kilogram, and the additional weight is 12 yuan per kilogram.
Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas will be negotiated separately based on market conditions.
【Express Delivery Supplemental Information】
"1. The shipping fee for our products shown by Yunda Express
2. For counties, towns, and village-level units that cannot be reached by express delivery, please do not order express delivery. Generally, express delivery cannot reach these areas, so please choose EMS.