Features "
High-strength polyester: imports loom woven, dyed, high-temperature drying, ironing and other program production made.
Strengthening casting with locking hook stronger security, and prevent the trailer hook shedding/breakage (rated tonnage).
Your car broke down off at convenient locations.
Easily drag and drop your car off anchorage locations do not exceed the authorized tonnage operated.
"Product features"
1, the tow rope, by special processing, can prevent and reduce the vibrations between the two car trailers.
2, locking hook for forging stronger security, and prevent the trailer hook fall out.
3, would be towed away from the anchor location for your convenience.
4, do not exceed the authorized tonnage
1, not exceeding the prescribed loads;
2, you cannot drag on rough surfaces;
3, cannot be used for towing repair of structural damage;
4, drag the trailer should be slowly tightened, not rapid to haul;
5, should always check to ensure that the normal use of the trailer.
"Give up"
1, the corrosion by acid or alkali;
2, in a trailer of any part has dissolved, carbide, hanhua breaks points;
3, in the trailer on any part of the knot;
4, corrosion, deformation, holes and attached device is damaged;
5, for questioning after long-term use.