Ordering Notice: Plastic products are unavoidably subject to some imperfections. Before shipping, our dedicated staff checks the goods to try to screen out any defective items!If you receive a product with quality issues, you can return or exchange it. Since wholesale profits are thin, we focus on volume sales, and please bear the return and exchange shipping costs by yourself.If you order a large quantity or volume of items, we recommend that you use a professional logistics service, such as Dehong Logistics. Please also bear the return and exchange shipping costs if any damage occurs during transportation; If an order is mistakenly made or even if there is an unreasonable return request, the amount that can be refunded is only 80%.The buyer is also responsible for the return shipping fee. Thank you for your cooperation. Most 'pay on delivery' items have double shipping fees, and we refuse to sign for any reason! Thank you for your cooperation! [If you cannot accept our store's rules, please do not place an order]
Color Random: The product is shipped in a mixed color or randomly. If you need a specific color, please ask the customer service if it is possible to specify the color before placing an order! Otherwise, the default is random shipping; one-piece distribution, shipping according to the color you shot (i.e., you can choose the color).