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Hand-painted automatic hand-painted repair mechanical can be customized to spray paint 中文版

Hand-painted automatic hand-painted repair mechanical can be customized to spray paint

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  • Updated: 2024-12-01 10:00
  • About Product:Product features: This product is a quick dry type thermoplastic acrylic aerosol paint, good is well established for its flexible construction, the spray atomization, gushing rate high characteristic, Paint drying quickly, high film fullness, hardness, adhesion, gloss, flexibility, impact to hold comprehensive physical properties to the as strength, rich color is gorgeous, Decoration effect is good. Application: most commonly used in advertising, surface treated wood, metal, ABS plastic, glass and automobile, surface motorcycle decoration and protection.
EXW Price: Price Negotiable
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Contacts: LeonChat
Mobile: 86-13335982739
WhatsApp: +86 13335982739
E-mail: jingongadhesive@163.com
WeChat: 13335982739
Address: 15296 A, 5 Street, 2 F, 41 Gate, International Trade Mart (District 2).
Address: 义乌市廿三里工业区
Product features:
This product belongs to the quick dry type thermoplastic acrylic aerosol paint, good is well established for its flexible construction, spray atomization, gushing rate high characteristic, paint drying quickly, the fullness of the paint film is high, hardness, adhesion, gloss, flexibility, high impact strength, comprehensive physical properties such as excellent, rich color is gorgeous, adornment effect is good.
Scope of application:
Widely used in advertising, surface treated wood, metal, ABS plastic, glass and automobile, motorcycle surface decoration and protection.
1Handle the bottom material and shake the paint tank for about 2 minutes.
2. Spray at a constant speed about 15-25cm from the surface of the object being sprayed.
3. General spraying is 2-3 times, and the thickness is from 20 to 30. The construction interval is 5-10 minutes.
4. When spraying certain plastic or metal surfaces, it is best to spray a 7CF surface synergist to improve the adhesion.
5. Try not to build in rainy or cold weather.
1. This product is inflammable and should be kept away from the source of fire. Do not Pierce or burn the tank.
2. It is not advisable to spray too thick at one time to avoid flow hanging.
3, deposited in the 0-45 ℃ in a cool and dry place, not in the sun exposure.
4. General protective measures should be taken when using the product. If the product is accidentally splashed into the eyes, please rinse it with plenty of water or visit the hospital.
5. Keep out of reach of children.
6. Stand the empty tank upside down after use, press and hold the valve to put the residual gas in the bottle, and put the empty tank into the garbage can.
7. After storage, put the paint tank upside down and press down the nozzle for 2-3 seconds to clean the nozzle to prevent blockage.
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