Jincheng luggage factory is located in Yiwu, a world-famous International Trade City. Our factory specializes in producing single-pull bags, cosmetic bag, shopping bags, ice pack, coin purse, dinner bag and other bags and handbags. There are dozens of series of products, which are mainly sold to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Japan and other countries. Through continuous efforts, the factory has accumulated rich product experience and market information.
In recent years, with the rapid development of domestic e-commerce, products are diversified and subdivided. With the increasing market for foreign orders commodity demand volume, the company will strengthen the development of the market in China based on the business philosophy of "forge ahead and develop together". Here, we sincerely look forward to the cooperation of people of insight from all walks of life, build a more * marketing system.
Our factory has strong strength, attaches great importance to credit, keeps contracts, guarantees product quality, and has won the trust of our customers with its diversified operating characteristics and the principle of small profits but quick turnover.