Product Name: Muslim Watch
Color: Gold
Packing Size: 10*11*8.5
Weight: 350 grams
Double Time (Analog Digital)
Hijri and Gregorian calendars
Two languages (English and Arabic)
The Age of Azan in the majority of cities in the world
Automatic Opening and Closing Direction
This feature is used to record the last Sura name and Verse number you have reached in reading the Qur'an.
"*Nine system taqweem programmed in clock
AL-HARAMEEN uses the local taqweem or the most widely used taqweem system for your city. Other standard taqweem systems are available, as follows:
*(DF)Local taqween
•(H)Selection Hanafi method for ASR
•F: 15 Umm al-Qura taqweem
•F: 18Umm al-Qura taqweem
"•F: 19Umm al-Qura taqweem
•18.17 Muslim World League (Muslim League)
•19:17 Egyptian taqweem (Egypt)
•18: 18 University of Science in Islamic in Karachi (Hanafi taqweem)
•15:15 North American Islamic Society (ISNA)
1:30 fixed time
Fajr time is determined as a fixed interval of time before shrooq time. Isha time is determined as a fixed interval of time after Magrib azan. This system is used in Northern Europe.
*Following Iqamah (Rest time to pray)
Following Iqamah with two ways as below:
1. If you set minutes to Iqamah, the watch will count rest time from the minutes you set to Iqamah.
2. If you do not set the minutes for Iqamah, the watch will count the minutes after the call to prayer from 0 to 30.
"*Automatic Iqamah alarm for all prayer
This unique feature reminds you every day at exactly the same time relative to the azan time. For example, suppose you set the prayer alarm to 12:15 PM and the ZUHR azan is at 12:00 PM. On the next day, if the ZHUR azan time becomes 12:01 PM, then automatically this alarm will change to 12:16 PM. In this case, you will wake up 15 minutes after the ZHUR azan time every day.
The Call to Prayer
ZUHR Alarm
May 1
12:00 PM
12:15 PM
May 2
12:16 PM
12:15 PM automatically changes to 12:16
*Daily alarms
Alarm 1 and alarm 2, these two daily alarms are regular alarms that ring at the same time every day.
Qibla direction
Qibla direction (relative to the North) can be displayed.
Qibla angle will also be displayed between 0 and 360 degrees, clockwise from North.
Hijri and Gregorian calendars:
Gregorian or Hijri calendar can be displayed.
The Hijri calendar follows the Gregorian date and is based on the astronomical moon sighting at Mecca.
*Blue EL back light
*Time Display option as 12 (am/pm) or 24 hours
*Could easily add a new city (Longitude & Longitude & GMT information)
Daylight Saving Time option ( for countries using this system )