Please carefully read the product description and related instructions before making a purchase. Once the buyer places an order, it is considered as agreeing to the product's price, characteristics, and all other relevant information. Due to the fact that our customer service team serves a large number of customers each day, if the response is slightly delayed, please understand and wait patiently for our reply.
Please identify the color you need, take the one you need, and if there is no one available, you can contact the customer service.
We will ship the goods within 1-3 days if they are in stock. If they are not in stock, we can make them to order. For specific details, please communicate clearly with the customer service before placing the order.
Please check the packaging of the goods when you receive them. If the packaging is intact, you can sign for the delivery. If you find any damage to the packaging during the inspection, please contact our after-sales customer service immediately. We will assist you in claiming compensation from the courier.