699 yuan internet celebrity hair clip and headband new set meal
2024 street stall hot internet celebrity 1 yuan hair clips and headbands
(No experience or skills required, suitable for beginners)(You can set up a stall directly after receiving the goods, no preparation needed)
Internet celebrity 1 yuan hair clip model, the price of 699 yuan, equipped with more than 1500 products, the average price is 4 cents per one, the whole field is 1 yuan model, (park, square, school gate, night market)
699 yuan hair clip and headband set menu (styles can be selected freely, you can select styles on site via video, or from the catalog).
• High-quality hair clips with 1000 pieces (30 plates)
• Elegant hair ties with 500 pieces (basket with 10 pieces)
• Gift Street Vendors' Advertising Signs, Banners
• Gift Sales Recording